The “Balkan Dialogue” is an international conference held in Sarajevo on 25-28th April 2018. It was organized by the Gorchakov Fund and is one of the most successful scientific and educational programs of the Fund for Support of Public Diplomacy. Together with around 20 experts, the Dialogue gathered more than 40 participants from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Srpska, FYR Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and several other countries. Two ICG members found their place in the Dialogue thanks to the Gorchakov Fund – Nikola Jovanović and Natalija Radivojević.
The “Balkan Dialogue” is intended as a platform for constructive discussions, as a basis for discussion of the current regional and global problems, and for prospective cooperation. Its goal is to establish a dialogue of experts and young specialists in the field of international relations, economics, security issues, as well as representatives of Balkan countries scientific community on the most pressing issues in the region.
Young specialists in the field of international relations, politics, economy, history of the Balkan region, were able to discuss important topics, initiate surveys and share problems so as to find the solutions for them. Participants had the chance to exchange experiences, to present their initiatives, projects or essays. They discussed the Dayton agreements, Russia’s contribution to the implementation of peaceful solutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the sources and characteristics of terrorism in the Balkans, the prospects for the development of relations between the Balkan countries and Russia in the context of their European integrations, and other issues.
On the first day, the event was opened by Leonid Drachevsky, with two panels that followed:
Moderators of these sessions were Nikita Bondarev and Dzevad Galijasević; while some of the speakers were Miša Đurković, Darina Grigorova, Maria Maksakova, Ekaterina Entina, Pericles Nearchou and Stefano Pilotto, Dušan Proroković, Hakan Gunes, Vasko Stamevski etc.
After their presentations, students and young experts had the opportunity to present their work. Our member, Nikola Jovanović, focused on “The position of Serbia regarding the diplomatic sanctions towards the Russian Federation,” while Natalija Radivojević discussed “The Badinter Commission – the principle of unchanging borders – ius cogens of international law or temporary means of the Great powers for achieving their goals.”
The theme of the second conference day was the “Dayton Agreement – solution or the reason for today’s problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina” and “Russia’s role in peace solutions implementation.”
The moderator of the second day sessions was Elena Guskova; with Ivanka Vasilevska, Ivan Barbalić, Goran Marković, Oleg Bondarenko, Viacheslav Charskii, as expert speakers; while participants also had the chance to present their essays.
Participation in this event was a great opportunity for ICG members to gain new experiences, to meet new friends and like-minded people from different countries, to explore Sarajevo and find partners and new ideas for development and future cooperation. The conference was successful. Good conclusions have been drawn and the cooperation between the conference participating countries has deepened.
Law associate at ICG
Balkan Dialogue, Gorchakov Fund
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
April 25-28, 2018
“The Balkan Dialogue – 2018”
The “Balkan Dialogue” is an international conference held in Sarajevo on 25-28th April 2018. It was organized by the Gorchakov Fund and is one of the most successful scientific and educational programs of the Fund for Support of Public Diplomacy.